Faizan Durrani

Here be random code. Twitter: @wombopaper Discord: Paper#1932

Karachi, Pakistan
Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Editor extension to search and download projects from https://UnityList.com/
Spawns 100,000 cubes and moves them to (0, 1, 0) using the new ECS and Jobs System
A simple Maze generator using a modified version of Hunt-and-Kill algorithm
A sort of skribbl.io clone for windows, mac, ios and android
Play audio on mobile even when the game is suspended in the background
A basic implementation of a Dungeon Generator in Unity
Fast Texture Painter (on UI)
A Todo list implementation with UIElements and ScriptabeObjects
My take at implementing Bezier Curves

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.